Splunk Search

Using a subsearch in a lookup


I've got two searches I'm trying to join into one.


| localop 
| ldapsearch domain=my_domain search="(&(objectCategory=Computer)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=xxxx))" 
| table cn, dNSHostName




| makeresults 
| eval fqdn="www.usatoday.com" 
| lookup dnslookup clienthost AS fqdn OUTPUT clientip as ip


What I would like is a table that has hostname, FQDN, and IP Address.  I've tried various subsearch methods to join them, but I must have something off since I either get an error or nothing.  Any thoughts?



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1 Solution


Hi @jwhughes58,

You can simply add dnslookup into your first search. There is no need subsearch;

| localop 
| ldapsearch domain=my_domain search="(&(objectCategory=Computer)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=xxxx))" 
| lookup dnslookup clienthost AS dNSHostName OUTPUT clientip as ip
| table cn, dNSHostName, ip
If this reply helps you an upvote and "Accept as Solution" is appreciated.

View solution in original post


Hi @jwhughes58,

You can simply add dnslookup into your first search. There is no need subsearch;

| localop 
| ldapsearch domain=my_domain search="(&(objectCategory=Computer)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=xxxx))" 
| lookup dnslookup clienthost AS dNSHostName OUTPUT clientip as ip
| table cn, dNSHostName, ip
If this reply helps you an upvote and "Accept as Solution" is appreciated.


Doh!  There are times when I forget how Splunk works and try treating it like a programming language.

0 Karma



| localop 
| ldapsearch domain=my_domain search="(&(objectCategory=Computer)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=xxxx))" 
| table cn, dNSHostName
| append [
  | makeresults 
  | eval fqdn="www.usatoday.com" 
  | lookup dnslookup clienthost AS fqdn OUTPUT clientip as ip
| stats values(*) as *

or assuming that the cn is the fqdn, then this

| localop 
| ldapsearch domain=my_domain search="(&(objectCategory=Computer)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=xxxx))" 
| table cn, dNSHostName
| append [
  | makeresults 
  | eval fqdn="www.usatoday.com" 
  | lookup dnslookup clienthost AS fqdn OUTPUT clientip as ip
  | rename fqdn as cn
| stats values(*) as * by cn
0 Karma


I see I explained my question badly bowesmana.  I was going to update it today with a better explanation, but scelikok answered it.  Thanks for the reply.

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