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Using Machine Learning Toolkit to detect auth abuse

Path Finder


I’m trying to tune Machine Learning Toolkit in order to detect authentication abuse on a web portal (based upon Lemon LDAP-NG).

My logs look like this:

(time/host/... header) client=(IP address) user=(login) sessionID=(session-id) mail=(user email address) action=(various statuses: connected / non-existent user / wrong pwd…)
I would like to train the Machine Learning Toolkit so that I can detect anomalies. Those anomalies can be:
- that client has made auth attempts for an unusual number of logins
- that client has made auth attempts for both non-existing and existing users
- …
So far it fails hard.
I’ve trained a model like this on approx. a month of data:


index="webauth" ( TERM(was) TERM(not) TERM(found) TERM(in) TERM(LDAP) ) OR TERM(connected) OR TERM(credentials) linecount=1 | rex "action=(?<act>.*)" | eval action=case(match(act,".* connected"), "connected", match(act,".* was not found in LDAP directory.*"), "unknown", match(act, ".* credentials"),"wrongpassword") | bin span=1h _time | eventstats dc(user) AS dcUsers, count(user) AS countUsers BY client,_time,action|search dcUsers>1|stats values(dcUsers) AS DCU,values(countUsers) AS CU BY client,_time,action| eval HourOfDay=strftime(_time,"%H") 
| fit DensityFunction CU by "client,DCU" as outlier into app:TEST


Then I’ve tested the model on another time interval where I know there is a big anomaly, by replacing the fit directive by "apply (model-name) threshold=(various values)".
No result.
So I guess I’m not on the right track to achieve this. Any help appreciated!
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