We want to query data from DB Using DB CONNECT but the value of "where condition" is variable.
For example,the value of PID is variable as the sql below, we wanna pass the value of input box on the dashboard to sql below
which used by DB CONNECT
You can use the SPL for the DBX for that Usecase:
| dbxquery query="select jobno, orderno, applgroup, nodegrp, failcount, order_time from cmr_ajf_jobs where endrun > '20180404000000'" connection="testsystem"
When you feeding the SPL via Dashboard then you can use the $value$
substitution in the search.
Thank you for your reply.
We've used SPL for the DBX before, but it was too slow so that we are looking for a new way.
So, it is no way for DB CONNECT to pass variable value to SQL, isn't it?
So, we have to use the SPL for the DBX for that usecase, right?
The only way you could do this, is to create a custom script, where you can handle your SQL. But you have to manage the SQL handling by yourself.
Normally i'm using a rising column for DB Input or i'm reading the whole table.
The Documentation is here:
Here a stub i'm using, stored in etc/apps/<app>/bin
__doc__ = '''
Ein Konverter fuer die base36 Konversion im Splunk Stream
import sys, splunk.Intersplunk
#splunk_home = os.getenv('SPLUNK_HOME')
#if not splunk_home:
# raise ConfigError('Environment variable SPLUNK_HOME must be set. Run: source ~/bin/setSplunkEnv')
# Start script
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Get the arguments from search
#(isgetinfo, sys.argv) = splunk.Intersplunk.isGetInfo(sys.argv)
#if len(sys.argv) != 2:
# splunk.Intersplunk.parseError("Usage | ctmbase36 __EXECUTE__ <field>")
for row in reader:
#print "Inputvalue"
#print value
# Here your SQL Function
convert = base36encode(value)
#print convert
# Set a value
row['orderid'] = convert
To call this script then within the SQL you need a commands.conf
# Commands.conf for the base36 convert
type = python
filename = ctm_base36.py
local = true
stderr_dest = message
supports_getinfo = false
in the SPL the call would be like this then:
| eval ORDERNO=00a2doz
| ctmbase36