I would like to use a subsearch to literally paste a command into the SPL e.g.:
| makeresults
[| makeresults
| eval test="|eval t1 = \"hello\""
| return $test]
and for it to be equivalent to
| makeresults
| eval t1 = "hello"
Is this possible?
Do a quick test:
[ | makeresults | eval search="| makeresults" ]
If you look into the job log you'll see that while the internal search will get expanded to
Expanded index search = ([ | makeresults | eval search="| makeresults" ])
After the subsearch is evaluated and the result is returned to the outer search it will be treated as a string, with the pipe control character escaped
Expanded index search = (\| makeresults)
Which means that you will be searching for literal pipe character and "makeresults" word.
Yes I have seen this exactly. But is it possible to work around this in any way?
I should expect not.
I know that I can do
| makeresults
| addinfo
| eval filter_t="earliest=".(info_min_time-60)." latest=".info_max_time
| return filter_t
which literally becomes
index=abc earliest=1698301592.0 latest=1698301792.0
and I would like to use this behavior to dynamically define a command
Hi @duesser,
pleae try this:
| makeresults
| addinfo
| eval earliest=relative_time(info_min_time,"-60s"), latest=info_max_time
| fields earliest latest
I am sorry for the confusion, I updated the original question.
The idea is to dynamically create strings of eval commands in a sub search (depending on a lookup e.g.) and then applying these to the base search by literally putting the into the search command. I hope I could clarify this now.
Hi @duesser ,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the contributors 😉
HI @duesser,
when you use a subsearch, you run a search on the main search using the output (exactly the fields you have in return or in fields).
What's your requirement?