I have a field that captures the usage of every user. I want to write a case to get the usage of each user in that hour, which is the max(usage). But since this value is cumulative. I want to subtract the value of the previous hour. Foe example: In the timechart, for 2:00 the value will be sum( max(usage) by each user at 2:00) - sum(max(usage) by user at 1:00 ). This has to be dynamic, since this is a timechart it has to apply the same logic to each hour.
Plz help.
Thanks everyone. Finally this is the query I used
bucket _time span=1h | stats first(Record) as Current, max(Input) as inp by _time, User_Name | streamstats max(inp) as Usage2 by User_Name current=f | eval delta=if(isnull(Usage2),0,Usage2 ) | eval usage=round((inp-delta)/1073741824,2)
so you can't just
| bin _time span=1h
| stats max(Usage) as maxUser by _time User
| stats sum(maxUser) by _time
Ok assuming the following dataset:
05/28/2015 1:00PM User=A Usage=10 Status=Start
05/28/2015 2:00PM User=A Usage=15 Status=In progress
05/28/2015 3:00PM User=A Usage=25 Status=In progress
05/28/2015 4:00PM User=A Usage=30 Status=Stop
05/28/2015 2:00PM User=B Usage=15 Status=Start
05/28/2015 3:00PM User=B Usage=20 Status=In Progress
05/28/2015 4:00PM User=B Usage=25 Status=Stop
try the following query:
source="sample.log" sourcetype="sample" |stats sum(Usage) as Usage1 by _time |streamstats max(Usage1) as Usage2 current=f |eval TotalUsage=Usage1-coalesce(Usage2,0)
First of all Thank you so much... This seems to kind of works. But 2 issues.
05/28/2015 1:00PM User=A Usage=10 Status=Start
05/28/2015 2:00PM User=A Usage=15 Status=In progress
05/28/2015 3:00PM User=A Usage=25 Status=In progress
05/28/2015 4:00PM User=A Usage=30 Status=Stop
05/28/2015 2:00PM User=B Usage=15 Status=Start
05/28/2015 3:01PM User=B Usage=20 Status=In Progress
05/28/2015 3:05PM User=B Usage=25 Status=In Progress
05/28/2015 3:20PM User=B Usage=30 Status=Stop
05/28/2015 3:25PM User=B Usage=10 Status=Start
05/28/2015 3:30PM User=B Usage=15 Status=In Progress
05/28/2015 4:00PM User=B Usage=25 Status=Stop
So in this case, For the 3:00 PM time range: it has to take the usage of B to be stop value 30 + latest "In progress" value 15
Could you plz help?
I do not think you meant max(Usage1)
, did you?
yes I did, load the data and run the query
I believe that you need the streamstats
command; read about it and reclarify your needs if this won't work (or you are not sure how to make it work):
I tried it, But I am unable to make it work. Could you give me an example of how to make this work?
If this is my query:
| pivotAccounting Accounting sum(Input) AS "Input" SPLITROW _time AS _time PERIOD hour LIMIT User_Name BY TOP 1 sum(Input) | eval usage=round(Input/1000,2)
Note: In this query "User_Name BY TOP 1 sum(Input) " is wrong. I want to actually get the max(sum(Input)) by user for this hour and subtract it from max(sum(Input)) for user of previous and finally add all this value to get overall usage. I do not know how to.
Plz..... help....
Forget the pivot. Assuming the field names in your sample data are correct and assuming that you are timestamping based on your Time
field, this should work:
... | sort 0 + _time | streamstats usecurrent=f last(Usage) AS PrevUsage by User | eval UsageThisHour=usage - coalesce(PrevUsage,0) | stats sum(UsageThisHour) by Time
Did you try my solution (different from @aalanisr26)?
can you provide 1 sample event?
User---- Usage--- Time---------- Status
A-----------10-----------1:00PM----- Start
A-----------15----------2:00 PM------In progress
A-----------25----------3:00 PM------In progress
A-----------30----------4:00 PM------Stop
B-----------15----------2:00 PM-------Start
B------------20----------3:00 PM-------In Progress
B------------25----------4:00 PM--------Stop
The usage for each hour is cumulative for each user.
So what I need is:
Hour ------Usage
1:00 ------10 (user A-10)
2:00------20 ( User A-5 + User B 15)
3:00----- 15 (User A- 10 + user B 5)
4:00----- 10 (User A-5 + user B-5)
Does that help you understand better?
Let's say that in the 6pm hour user A started using again, would her usage start again at 0, or would it start at 30?