I have the below search
index=main sourcetype=summa
| rex "::\s(?<timestamp>\S+)\s"
| rex "^\S+\s(?<userid>\S+)\."
| sort userid timestamp
|transaction login startswith="Logged in" endswith="Processing complete"
| rex "^\S+\s(?<userid>\S+)\."
Which provide the rsultlinke Table-1, I want fix few things in T-1.
1. The reuslt should display some thing like this now this details are spread in two rows one after the other.
USER-id, Login time, log out time, number of login sessaion
4/3/13 11:46:12.000 AM
SNM4 rajan.#### :: 04/03/13 11:46:12 :: User rajan logged in
SNM4 rajan.857F :: 04/03/13 11:46:13 :: Processing complete
host=hostname Options| sourcetype=summa Options| source=C:\Data\splunk\fxr\snm4-logger.log Options
4/3/13 11:46:08.000 AM
SNM4 verify.#### :: 04/03/13 11:46:08 :: User verify logged in
SNM4 different.855F :: 04/03/13 11:46:12 :: Processing complete
4/3/13 11:45:58.000 AM
SNM4 suman.#### :: 04/03/13 11:45:58 :: User suman logged in
SNM4 suman.853F :: 04/03/13 11:45:59 :: Processing complete
host=hostname Options| sourcetype=summa Options| source=C:\Data\splunk\fxr\snm4-logger.log Options
Is login an extracted
field? You can't make a transaction on a field that does not exist. Why is userid
extracted twice? Also, there is no point in sort
ing before the transaction
I believe that you want to do something like;
index=main sourcetype=summa
| rex "^\S+\s(?<userid>\S+)\."
| transaction userid startswith="Logged in" endswith="Processing complete"
| eval logoutTime = strftime( _time + duration,"%F %T")
| eval loginTime =strftime( _time, "%F %T")
| stats list(loginTime) as Login list(logoutTime) as Logout count as "Number of Sessions" by userid
alternatively, the last line can be substituted with;
| table userid, loginTime, logoutTime, duration
It's a bit unclear if you want to do it the first or the second way.
There is no suppression key associated with this even. Every "Logged in" should have "Processing complete" for that user-id. At present if there is no "Processing complete" after logged in" after the time of this start even then, will asume the user is yet to log out.
Hi Rajan,
For this requirement, do you have any 'suppression key' in these events which can identify a single session(it needs to be common in both 'Logged In' and Processing complete' event)?
Your rex gave me what exactly I wanted thanks a lot. Just one more query on the same item, I want to list out incomplete transation (i.e.) user who are currently loged in and not loged out. Will you able to help me.
Try this
index=main sourcetype=summa
| rex "^\S+\s(?<userid>\S+)\."
| sort userid _time
| transaction login startswith="Logged in" endswith="Processing complete"
| eval logoutTime = strftime( _time + duration,"%x %X")
| eval loginTime =strftime( _time, "%x %X")
| table userId loginTime logoutTime
I don't know how you want to show both the individual sessions and the overall count. To calculate the count, you could simply do
index=main sourcetype=summa
| rex "^\S+\s(?<userid>\S+)\."
| sort userid _time
| transaction login startswith="Logged in" endswith="Processing complete"
| stats count by userid
Thanks for taking time and answering this, the other answer worked for me.