Splunk Search

Transactions based on distinct values of extracted field

New Member


I'm trying to create transactions from events like this:

Session opened: [some id]

Session closed: [some id]

For a single id I can just use a search like this:

some_id | transaction startswith="Session closed" endswith="Session opened" maxpause=30m
to find sessions that had a break of at most 30 minutes.

The session_id I'm searching with is an extracted field. How would I go about finding the count of these transactions (closed -> opened) per session_id?

This is what I would like to get out:

session           connection_breaks
session1          1
session2          5
session3          2
0 Karma

Revered Legend

Try like this

some_id | transaction session_id startswith="Session closed" endswith="Session opened" maxpause=30m 
| stats count as connection_breaks by session_id
0 Karma
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