I have the log like below :
Jun 13 10:18:59 Debug: IID 917966106 done
Jun 13 10:18:59 Debug: IID 917967047 action 2
Jun 13 10:18:59 Debug: IID 917967047 action 1
Jun 13 10:18:58 Debug: IID 917966106 rewritten to IID 917967047 by engine1
Jun 13 10:18:58 Debug: IID 917966106 action 2
Jun 13 10:18:58 Debug: IID 917966106 action 1
Jun 13 10:18:58 Debug: IID 917966106 start
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: IID 817966106 done
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: IID 817966106 action 2
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: IID 817966106 action 1
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: IID 817966106 start
I want to group into 2 transaction, normally i can use :
index=X | rex field=_raw "Debug: IID (?\d+)" | transaction IID startswith="start" endswith="done"
But the problem is for the second transaction, the field IID
has 2 values ( 917966106
and 917967047
) but they belong to the same transaction.
Can you know how to create a transaction in this case, one containing 4 events and other containing 7 events ?
i would appreciate any idea !
UPDATE after the good answer of @sundareshr : my log looks actually like
Jun 13 10:18:59 Debug: IID 917966106 done
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: RID 23789 stop
Jun 13 10:18:59 Debug: IID 917967047 action 2
Jun 13 10:18:59 Debug: IID 917967047 action 1
Jun 13 10:18:58 Debug: IID 917966106 rewritten to IID 917967047 by engine1
Jun 13 10:18:58 Debug: IID 917966106 action 2
Jun 13 10:18:58 Debug: IID 917966106 action 1
Jun 13 10:18:58 Debug: IID 917966106 start
Jun 13 10:18:58 Debug: RID 23789 IID 917966106 created
Jun 13 10:18:58 Debug: RID 23789 start details: start connection
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: IID 817966106 done
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: RID 12345 stop
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: IID 817966106 action 2
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: IID 817966106 action 1
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: RID 12345 IID 817966106 created
Jun 13 10:18:56 Debug: RID 12345 start details: start connection
when i tried
index=X | rex field=_raw "Debug: IID (?\d+)" | rex field=_raw "Debug: RID (?\d+)" |rex field=_raw "rewritten to IID (?\d+)" | eventstats first(newid) as newid) by IID | eval IID=if((isnull(newid), IID, newid) | transaction IID RID startswith="start" endswith="done"
It does not give the 2 transaction ( 6 events and 10 events)
Can you give me a help again pls ?
Try this:
index=X | rex field=_raw "Debug: IID (?<origIID>\d+)(?:\s+rewritten to IID (?<newIID>\d+))?"
| eval newIID=coalesce(newIID, origIID)
| eventstats latest(newIID) AS finalIID BY origIID
| transaction finalIID
BTW, transaction is a very expensive way to do this, I would swap the last line above with this one:
| stats list(_time) list(_raw) BY finalIID
Or maybe even this:
| stats values(*) AS * values(_*) AS _* BY finalIID
Try this
index=X | rex field=_raw "Debug: IID (?<IID>\d+)" |rex field=_raw "rewritten to IID (?<newId>\d+)" | eventstats first(newid) as newid) by IID | eval IID=if((isnull(newid), IID, newid) | transaction IID startswith="start" endswith="done"
Thank you for the answer, i have updated my question, and with my current log, your query does not return 2 transactions. Can you take a quick look ?
Try this
| rex "RID\s?(?<rid>\d+)" | rex max_match=2 "IID\s?(?<iid>\d+)" | rex "(?<action>start|done)" | eval newid=mvindex(iid, 1) | eval iid=mvindex(iid, 0) | eventstats first(newid) as newids by iid | eval iids=if(isnull(newids), iid, newids) | eventstats first(iids) as iids by rid | transaction iids
Is the problem that you have two IIDs so that messes things up?
Do you want to use the LAST IID or the FIRST IID? Basically, is the above list you wrote two transactions, one for 917966106 with 9 events and one for 917967047 with 3 events, or is it two transactions one for 917966106 with 10 events and one for 917967047 with 2 events (i.e. does the line with two get included in the ...106 transaction or the ...047 transaction?
one transaction is 917966106 and 917967047 , and other one is 817966106. 917967047 is rewritten from 917966106 but both are in the same transaction. So first transaction contain 4 events and other contains 7 events.