I am attempting to get the top offenders of average latency, by their client IP, but limited to the top 50 results, sorted by their latency. This is the search that I have, but I can't figure our why it doesn't return any results. If I remove the 'top' command from the below query, it returns results, but it returns all of them, which isn't as helpful.
sourcetype=www NOT hck=* | stats avg(timetaken) by _time,clientip | top timetaken
any suggestions would be great! Thank you!
A few things;
count occurrences, not high/low values.
removes all the other fields, so after that you only have _time
, clientip
and avg(timetaken)
Suggest the following;
sourcetype=www NOT hck=* | stats avg(timetaken) as TT by _time,clientip | stats max(TT) as XXXX by clientip | sort - XXXX | head 50
A few things;
count occurrences, not high/low values.
removes all the other fields, so after that you only have _time
, clientip
and avg(timetaken)
Suggest the following;
sourcetype=www NOT hck=* | stats avg(timetaken) as TT by _time,clientip | stats max(TT) as XXXX by clientip | sort - XXXX | head 50