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Top 10 Customers - exclude OTHER

New Member

I use below spl to get top 10 cust by sales, but looks like it is creating a OTHER category whcih i dont want to visualize in graph. How can i exclude it? OTHER is not in the data.

source="swerve_sales.csv" host="swerve" sourcetype="csv-sales" | timechart sum(TOTAL) as sales by FIRSTNAME | sort - sales | head 10

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New Member

thanks guys!
fyi, looks like with 'limit' i dont need to sort anymore.

source="swerve_sales.csv" host="swerve" sourcetype="csv-sales" | timechart span=1w limit=10 useother=f sum(TOTAL) as sales by FIRSTNAME

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Revered Legend

Try something like this

source="swerve_sales.csv" host="swerve" sourcetype="csv-sales" | timechart sum(TOTAL) as sales by FIRSTNAME useother=f | sort - sales | head 10
0 Karma


try below

source="swerve_sales.csv" host="swerve" sourcetype="csv-sales" | timechart limit=10 sum(TOTAL) as sales by FIRSTNAME
0 Karma
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