<input type="time" token="Datepkr">
<label>Time Range Picker</label>
<eval token="date_last_week.earliest">relative_time($Datepkr.earliest$, "-7d")</eval>
<eval token="date_last_week.latest">relative_time($Datepkr.latest$, "-7d")</eval>
Search for stuff from -7d | eval ReportKey=”Last_Week” | modify the “_time” field | append [subsearch for stuff today | eval ReportKey=”Today”] | timechart it based on ReportKey
I've posted a number of solutions for this problem, see a post from yesterday that references some of those
Effectively you have a global search that sees your Datepkr token and does a small search to calculate the relative dates - it needs addinfo, as that makes sure the tokens from the time picker are converted to epoch.
Then in your main search you can do
search (earliest=$Datepkr.earliest$ latest=$Datepkr.latest$) OR (earliest=$my_other_token_earliest$ latest=$my_other_token_latest$)
| eval category=if(_time <= $my_other_token_latest$, "PREV", "CURRENT")
| eval _time=if(_time <= $my_other_token_latest$, _time+my_offset, _time)
| timechart bla by category
which looks for both date ranges and then sets the category based on which range it's from, and then adjusts the PREV range _time to the current time, so they are overlaid. - my_offset is the amount of time between your two ranges.
This methodology works, so if you're struggling to get something working, post what you've got and we can help.
I've posted a number of solutions for this problem, see a post from yesterday that references some of those
Effectively you have a global search that sees your Datepkr token and does a small search to calculate the relative dates - it needs addinfo, as that makes sure the tokens from the time picker are converted to epoch.
Then in your main search you can do
search (earliest=$Datepkr.earliest$ latest=$Datepkr.latest$) OR (earliest=$my_other_token_earliest$ latest=$my_other_token_latest$)
| eval category=if(_time <= $my_other_token_latest$, "PREV", "CURRENT")
| eval _time=if(_time <= $my_other_token_latest$, _time+my_offset, _time)
| timechart bla by category
which looks for both date ranges and then sets the category based on which range it's from, and then adjusts the PREV range _time to the current time, so they are overlaid. - my_offset is the amount of time between your two ranges.
This methodology works, so if you're struggling to get something working, post what you've got and we can help.
Thank you so much for the help! Once I was able to wrap my head around it and do some tinkering your solution worked perfectly!
Here is what I ended up with for the global search:
| makeresults
| addinfo
| eval last_week_earliest=relative_time(info_min_time,"-7d")
| eval last_week_latest=relative_time(info_max_time,"-7d")
<set token="last_week_earliest">$result.last_week_earliest$</set>
<set token="last_week_latest">$result.last_week_latest$</set>
<eval token="time_span">($result.last_week_latest$ - $result.last_week_earliest$)/60</eval>
<eval token="span_value">round($time_span$,0)</eval>
And here is what is in the main search:
<query> index=*apievents* request.org_name=$org$ request.env=$env$ request.api_name=$api$ (earliest=$Datepkr.earliest$ latest=$Datepkr.latest$) OR (earliest=$last_week_earliest$ latest=$last_week_latest$)
| eval category=if(_time <= $last_week_latest$, "Last Week Volume", "Current Week Volume")
| eval _time=if(_time <= $last_week_latest$, _time+(7 * 86400), _time)
| timechart cont=f span=$span_value$s count by category
I have it in a place now where it works, and looks like I want it to look, I'm just not sure if there was a much easier path to setting the chart beginning / end time and span fields.
Initially I didn't have the time_span and span_value tokens and just tried to let the timechart function do its thing automated. It still kept the full time range of seven days when displaying, so all of the timeshifted events were displaying on the seventh (i.e. current) day.
When I added the cont=f setting things got a bit better, but the chart was displaying in a way that the span field looks like it was still stuck on what it would have been if it were set to a seven day range. I set it manually to be 1/60 of whatever the user selected time range is in seconds. That seems to approximate the default behavior of timechart, which looks like it does anywhere from 1/48 to 1/60 depending on what will divide evenly.
If there's a simpler solution to that I'd love to know what it is, but like I said what I have there seems to work perfectly for any time range.
Thanks again for the help @bowesmana !
@jacobdavis You've picked it up well. This is how things are done in XML. Have you used fixedrange=f in the timechart - it's similar to cont, but makes timechart trim the empt stuff at either end of the time ranges.