I'm performing a search and plotting a timechart
index=hello_index sourcetype=hello_sourcetype event_id="001" now="12/16/2014:00:00:00" earliest="-1d@d" latest="+2d@d"| ...... |.....|
..| eval _time=time_stamp_I_calculated|timechart sum(something)
I have a search over 72 hrs because I don't exactly know when the event_id "001" happened. I modified _time so that it contains the timestamps of my interest during my search.
Timechart plots time on the x axis for the 72 hr window(from 15th Dec to 17th Dec).
Is there a way to plot the Xaxis using time range of my interest (from the min value to the max value of _time) and not the 72 hr window.
try something like this:
.....|timechart span=1d cont=f sum(something)
See the documentation on the timechart command here and see the option "cont".
Its defaults to true and forces timechart to span over the timerange. Making it false or f will trim your chart from min to max value of _time.
I'm not exactly sure why cont didn't work well for me. I solved this issue by doing a sub search that returns the earliest and latest time and use that as the earliest and latest values for the parent search.