I've got a simple search which uses stats. I've saved the dashboard and created a scheduled report but when I go to setup summary indexing I get "This report cannot be accelerated."
The goal of this search is to generate summary events every 15 minutes - today it's nearly impossible to query an entire day or week in less than 4 hours search time.
The search is: index=azure_wadlogs sourcetype=WADLogs host=* | eval time=_time | eval itime=_indextime | eval latency=(itime - time) | stats count as NumEvents, avg(latency) as AvgLatency, min(latency) as MinLatency, max(latency) as MaxLatency by Role | sort +Role
What is preventing me from enabling report acceleration?
Does your role allow you to accelerate reports? (i.e. does it have the schedule_search
Take a look at the docs too: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.5/Report/Schedulereports
Does your role allow you to accelerate reports? (i.e. does it have the schedule_search
Take a look at the docs too: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.5/Report/Schedulereports
If you want to accelerate the search then you need to have a transforming search which is made up of transforming commands.. So take your normalized search and tweek it to include a transformation command
FYI - stats is considered to be a transforming command. See: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.5/Report/Acceleratereports#How_reports_qualify_for_r...