I created a search where I want to create a table including several cases.
My search include this: eval series=case(VE=7,'ok',VE=3,'ko',VE=2,'attempt') | chart count by series,day,hour.
I don t able to have the several case name in column and day and hour in line.
Thx by advance
I don't understand your question, but I see a problem in your case statement:
yoursearchhere |
eval series=case(VE==7,"ok",VE==3,"ko",VE==2,"attempt") |
chart count by series,day,hour
I assume that day and hour are valid fields for all the events returned by the search? Are you sure that you want a chart and not a timechart? Here is a version that uses the timechart command instead:
yoursearchhere |
eval series=case(VE==7,"ok",VE==3,"ko",VE==2,"attempt") |
timechart span=1h count by series