Seems pretty simple, but it's kicking my butt so here I am. I've tried more variations than I'd like, but I have a ton of log writes. some of them are response values. What I'd like to do is create a simple table displaying the URL, its total number of incoming requests, and its total number of error responses. I can't get the error responses to work properly.
In the latest iteration, this is what I have:
... line.status != "" | stats count as total_requests by line.url | eventstats count(eval(line.status!="200")) as errors by line.url
line.status doesn't exist on ever log write, of course, so I want to search only on log writes that document a response - for those, line.status will exist. total_requests works as expected, but errors does not. Ideally, errors could be a count where line.status > 399, but the value is a string and nothing I've tried has worked properly. I either get a query error, a 0 value, or a 1 value for all line.url values.
Where am I going wrong here?
Try this
| stats count as total_requests, count(eval(tonumber(line.status)>399)) as errors by line.url
The error count is still zero on all urls using this:
line.status != "" | stats count as total_requests, count(eval(tonumber(line.status)>399)) as errors by line.url | sort -"errors"
not sure why it isn't working since I don't have the raw data, you could try this alternative
| eval error=if(tonumber(line.status)>399, 1, 0)
| stats count as total_requests, sum(error) as errors by line.url
| sort -"errors"
If this isn't working, check if error is being set properly in the eval.
Same 0 error count for all URLs. If I break it down by url _and_ status, I also see an error count of 0, even when the line.status value in a given row is > 399:
| stats count as total_requests, count(eval(tonumber(line.status)>399)) as errors by line.url, line.status
In that query, for any row whose line.status value is < 399, I'd expect the value of the errors field to match that of the total_requests field, right?
Even this returns all zeros:
| eval foo=if(tonumber(line.status) > 399, 1, 0) | table foo
I'm not sure how much simpler of a case I can try. I've also tried these variants just to see if i could isolate a _specific_ error status code.
| eval foo=if(tonumber(line.status="401"), 1, 0) | table foo
// all zeros
| eval foo=if(line.status=401, 1, 0) | table foo
// Error in 'eval' command: Type checking failed. The '==' operator received different types.
I think I've found something that gets me the raw data I'm after, but could use a sanity check.
... | stats count as status_code_count by line.url, line.status | eventstats sum(status_code_count) as total_hits by line.url | eval status_code_percent=round((status_code_count/total_hits)*100, 2) | fields line.url, line.status, total_hits, status_code_percent | sort + line.url, + line.status, - status_code_percent
The last thing I'd like to do is filter for line.status values > 399 (errors), but I still can't find the magic touch for that. I've tried
| where tonumber(line.status)>399
// No results
| where line.status="500"
// No results
| where line.status=500
// Type mismatch error
Something definitely seems to be wrong with either my status data or the way I'm trying to query it, but I can't find the key for the life of me.
please provide sample logs. your fields extraction is maybe wrong.
Here is an example log line from the base query which is:
index="<redacted>" ""="api" attrs.stack="prod" line.component="gateway" line.message="request completed"
"line": {
"trimmed path":"public",
"error message":"",
"error details":[],
"serve local docs":false,
"message":"request completed"
Would definitely appreciate any thoughts you might have.
index=_internal | head 1 | fields _time _raw | eval _raw="{\"line\":{\"level\":\"info\",\"component\":\"gateway\",\"elapsed-time\":5.548328,\"request-id\":\"c52e5e50-fb15-4a37-96ba-17e208e947ee\",\"status\":200,\"method\":\"GET\",\"path\":\"/beneinfo/keep-alive\",\"url\":\"/beneinfo/keep-alive\",\"trimmed path\":\"public\",\"query\":\"\",\"error message\":\"\",\"error details\":[],\"pid\":1,\"te\":\"\",\"serve local docs\":false,\"time\":\"2020-07-19T14:49:55.633253281Z\",\"message\":\"request completed\"},\"source\":\"stderr\",\"attrs\":{\"app\":\"api\",\"stack\":\"prod\"}}"
| spath
| stats count by "line.status" "line.url"
line.status | line.url | count |
200 | /beneinfo/keep-alive | 1 |
This query works fine.
index="<redacted>" ""="api" attrs.stack="prod" line.component="gateway" line.message="request completed"
| stats count by "line.status" "line.url"
If this result doesn't have status over 399, there is not the error.
If there are errors, add
| search "line.status" > 399
What you have here has always worked fine. I get a table of all status codes for each URL. What I can't seem to do is limit the output to > 399 only . Every attempt I make fails for one of the reasons mentioned above. If I through "| search line.status > 399" at it, then I get a search canceled message.
I can't seem to right the right fit to filter the working query above, nor can i find another way to do the same thing that limits the results to only error status codes.
Thanks for your help.
>search canceled message.
what's this?
we can't see your display, so you should provide exactly messages.