Hi All - I'm working on creating a summary report and I am having difficulty discerning the various addtotals or addcoltotals commands to get Splunk to yield to my bidding. Here is what I have so far ...
location campID Clickers
cityA 1 20
cityA 2 10
cityA 3 5
cityB 1 15
cityB 2 25
cityC 4 7
... ..
| lookup lookup.csv identity as userID OUTPUT bunit as location
| stats count(userID) as Clickers by location, campID
| addColtotals
I would like to be able to sum each location's total Clicker amount. So something like this ...
location campID Clickers Total_Clicks
cityA 1 20
cityA 2 10
cityA 3 5
cityB 1 15
cityB 2 25
cityC 4 7
... ..
Thank you!!
First, I am not sure that you are getting the data you expect, As you show it "Clickers" should probably be labelled "Clicks" - your name implies that this is the number of people clicking, not the number of clicks. If you want the unique count for userID, then use distinct_count(userID)
not count(userID)
. Very different.
But try this, changing back to count
if that is really what you want,..
| lookup lookup.csv identity as userID OUTPUT bunit as location
| stats distinct_count(userID) as Clickers by location, campID
| appendpipe [stats sum(Clickers) as TotalClickers by location | eval campID = "Total"]
| sort location
First, I am not sure that you are getting the data you expect, As you show it "Clickers" should probably be labelled "Clicks" - your name implies that this is the number of people clicking, not the number of clicks. If you want the unique count for userID, then use distinct_count(userID)
not count(userID)
. Very different.
But try this, changing back to count
if that is really what you want,..
| lookup lookup.csv identity as userID OUTPUT bunit as location
| stats distinct_count(userID) as Clickers by location, campID
| appendpipe [stats sum(Clickers) as TotalClickers by location | eval campID = "Total"]
| sort location
Thank you! You are correct in your evaluation of the count Vs. distinct_count. However,in our shop the context is correct (these are not web logs, they have already been parsed partially before I get them in Splunk). My error in not defining the problem's scope properly.
I love that appendpipe command. Thank you! Mike