index=pan_logs sourcetype=pan_traffic bytes_sent>0 bytes_received>0| stats count by src_ip,src_location,dst_ip, dst_port |lookup dnslookup clientip AS src_ip outputnew clienthost as clienthost1| lookup dnslookup clientip AS dst_ip outputnew clienthost as destinationhost
Below is what I tried to do to do a subsearch, which should first search for all apps with bytes sent or received more than 0. After that, it's suppose to show each app along with the fields specified in a table.
index=pan_logs sourcetype=pan_traffic [search index=pan_logs sourcetype=pan_traffic bytes_sent>0 bytes_received>0 | top limit=500 app] | stats count by src_ip, src_location, dst_ip, dst_port | lookup dnslookup clientip AS src_ip outputnew clienthost as clienthost1 | lookup dnslookup clientip AS dst_ip outputnew clienthost AS destinationhost
Try this and let us know what issue you faced with this
index=pan_logs sourcetype=pan_traffic [search index=pan_logs sourcetype=pan_traffic bytes_sent>0 bytes_received>0 | top limit=500 app | fields app] | stats count by src_ip, src_location, dst_ip, dst_port | lookup dnslookup clientip AS src_ip outputnew clienthost as clienthost1 | lookup dnslookup clientip AS dst_ip outputnew clienthost AS destinationhost
I get the following fields:
app count percent
What fields and count your get after executing this?
index=pan_logs sourcetype=pan_traffic bytes_sent>0 bytes_received>0 | top limit=500 app
That didn't work. It came back saying there were no results for this event, which isn't true.
The top command add some extra fields like count and percent, which may not be available in your logs and it (should be) returns 0 records. After top command add "| fields app".