Splunk Search

Start external process and retrieve results later

Path Finder

So I don't even know where to start researching on how I would setup what I want to do. I'm looking to query a number of different REST APIs (one example is urlscan.io) which return a UUID which you then use at a later date to retrieve the results. Making the initial call or the results call itself aren't the issue. It is what method would I use to store the UUID and then be able to retrieve it later for a report?

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I would build this into your python or bash or whatever your'e doing the API calls from and then once the report is ready spit that out to file so that Splunk just monitors that file/directory.

You'll want to make sure that you are cleaning up after the script so you don't end up with a directory full of a ton of little files (literally had a system once with hundreds of thousands of little files that were choking the host OS ask @samhays LOL) or a file that is 75GB in size because each report just keeps getting appended (literally true...ask @samhays LOL).

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