Splunk Search

Splunk is not searching results

Path Finder

Index=A sourcetype=B and I can see under fields category filed "C" with count of 10k+ values ..

But if I search with  Index=A sourcetype=B category=C , It is showing No results found tried in all the search modes didn't worked. source tcp:9997 . Can some one please suggest what can be the issue. 

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Path Finder

field:: * worked , Thank You so much 


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Great! So, if you set this field as INDEXED on your search head, you will not need to use :: syntax. You can use below sample, than you will be able to search field=*




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Hi @sasankganta,

Is it possible that your category field is being sent to Splunk as a _meta? Please try searching like below;

I assume your field is C;

index=A sourcetype=B C::*


If this reply helps you an upvote and "Accept as Solution" is appreciated.

Path Finder

Yes, after using the same search like with "*field*" , still events are missing.

Under filed value count it's showing 4lack+ events , but in search filed value is showing 8 events. 

0 Karma


Hi @sasankganta,

If I got it right, on your first search you see category values under C field? If so, you should use below search to filter categories;

index=A sourcetype=B C=*

If I missed something, please give a sample logs, result in screen capture.


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If this reply helps you an upvote and "Accept as Solution" is appreciated.

Path Finder

Hi @scelikok ,

I'm searching for list of indexes using

|tstats count where index=* sourcetype=log4j  by index sourcetype

I got results with lot of indexes in my environment. How can I find out which Data model / Macro using these indexes ?

Is there any way to find out where it's been using ? Thanks in advance.  

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