I Have Service_names (A, B ,C ,D, E, F, G, H, I J, K, L , M) but want (C ,D, E, F, G, H, I J, K, L , M ) services_names renamed as "Other_Services" | Stats by services_names | table services_names time_Taken
Thanks in advance!
Hi @kc_prane ,
you shared only a part of your search, so I cannot check it.
anyway, does it solves your requirement?
Hi @kc_prane ,
ony one question: what's time_Token?
if it's a field, please try something like this:
| eval services_names=if(services_names IN ("A", "B"), service_name, "Other_Services")
| stats values(time_Token) AS time_Token BY services_names
| table services_names time_Taken
otherwise, please explain what's time_Token, or apply my approach to your search.
Hi gcusello, Thanks for the reply, Iam looking to get results like below.
my base search
| rex "^[^=\n]*=(?P<ServiceName>[^,]+)"
| rex "TimeMS\s\=\s(?<Trans_Time>\d+)"
ServiceName | Trans_Time | Count |
A | 60 | 1111 |
B | 40 | 1234 |
Other_Services( C , D, E, F,G,H) | 25 | 1234567 |
Hi @kc_prane ,
you shared only a part of your search, so I cannot check it.
anyway, does it solves your requirement?
Thanks for the help! @gcusello. I fixed my rex Iam seeing results now.