Splunk Search

Splunk Custom Search Commands: How can I write the generator.py script so that it calls the script.py?


Hi everyone,

I have a script.py which requires one argument to run normally, for eg. script.py D:\Downloads\12-Dec-2022\1234\

I am intending to create a custom search command so that I can have a Splunk Dashboard GUI which allows the user to input the file path i.e D:\Downloads\12-Dec-2022\1234\ and then it will run in the backend this --> script.py D:\Downloads\12-Dec-2022\1234\ and generate a csv file in which I will use the splunk search command to format the data. 

My question would be how can I write the generator.py script so that it calls the script.py 

I have a template I found:





#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import os

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "lib"))
from splunklib.searchcommands import \
    dispatch, GeneratingCommand, Configuration, Option, validators

class %(command.title())Command(GeneratingCommand):
    """ %(synopsis)





    def generate(self):
       # Put your event  code here

       # To connect with Splunk, use the instantiated service object which is created using the server-uri and
       # other meta details and can be accessed as shown below
       # Example:-
       #    service = self.service


dispatch(%(command.title())Command, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)






However, I am not sure like how to write it such that this command will accept an argument (eg. file path inputted by the user)

So how I Forsee it is I have 3 things

1. Custom search command named mycommand
2. my own script.py which accepts one argument (a file path) use to run and generate stats 
3. Splunk search command

So once I have the custom search command mycommand

I can use it in splunk search 
| mycommand <user input> 

something like that..however writing the custom search command am not sure how to make it accept an argument inputted for the user in the splunk gui. can anyone help please?

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0 Karma


Hi @PaulPanther  any updates?

0 Karma


is there anything else to change/add?

0 Karma


Just declare the field in the class like

filename = Option(require=True)


and then assign the user input as a variable to a new variable e.g.

filename = self.filename

sample code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import os

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "lib"))
from splunklib.searchcommands import \
    dispatch, GeneratingCommand, Configuration, Option, validators

class %(command.title())Command(GeneratingCommand):
    filename = Option(require=True)

    def generate(self):
       filename = self.filename
       # Put your event  code here

       # To connect with Splunk, use the instantiated service object which is created using the server-uri and
       # other meta details and can be accessed as shown below
       # Example:-
       #    service = self.service


dispatch(%(command.title())Command, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)


0 Karma

# Import the necessary modules
import splunklib.searchcommands as searchcommands
import subprocess

# Define a custom search command class
class MyCustomCommand(searchcommands.GeneratingCommand):

    # Define any options for your custom command
    filepath = searchcommands.Option(
        **Syntax:** **filepath=***<filepath>*
        **Description:** Path to the file to be processed by the Python script''',
        require=True, validate=validators.Fieldname())

    # Define the fields that your command will output
    def output_schema():
        return {'_time': searchcommands.DateTimeField(), 'output_field_1': searchcommands.StringField()}

    # Define the logic for your custom command
    def generate(self):
        # Call the Python script with the specified filepath as an argument
        result = subprocess.run(["python", "path/to/your/script.py", self.filepath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

        # Parse the output of the Python script
        output = result.stdout.decode().strip()

        # Create a new output record with the output of the Python script and the current timestamp
        output_record = {'_time': self._time, 'output_field_1': output}

        # Yield the output record to Splunk
        yield output_record

# Register the custom command with Splunk
dispatch(MyCustomCommand, sys.argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, __name__)

Thanks for your reply @PaulPanther 

From your code I inspired to generate this code above

0 Karma


Hi @PaulPanther , with the inspired code above it still doesn't work, any help is much appreciated 🙂

0 Karma
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