Splunk Search

Simple math and string concatenation


I have this dashboard:

  <label>Prova_selettore_dinamico Clona v1</label>
  <fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true">
    <input type="radio" token="period" searchWhenChanged="true">
      <choice value="1">Last day</choice>
      <choice value="7">Last 7 days</choice>
      <choice value="30">Last 30 days</choice>
      <choice value="365">Last 12 months</choice>

The token $period$ is set, for instance, at -30d (and I use this token i the query so i need it like this).

Now what I also need is the $period$ to double the period, for example: -60d

This implies that i have to extract the 30 from the string "-30d", double it and put it back between the "-" and the "d".

Another solution i thought is to set 2 values for every choice of the imput, like:

 <choice value="30" value2="60">Last 30 days</choice>

But this seems to be not possible.

Please help me.

I tried to integrate your code with my and this came our:

  <label>Prova_selettore_dinamico Clona v4</label>
  <fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true">
    <input type="dropdown" token="t" searchWhenChanged="true">
        <query>| makeresults
               | eval x="Last day    |-1d@d  |-2d@d;
                         Last 7 days |-7d@d  |-14d@d;
                         Last 30 days|-30d@d |-60d@d"
               | makemv x delim=";"
               | mvexpand x
               | rex field=x "(?<label>[^\|]+)\|(?<value>[^\|]+)\|(?<doublevalue>.*)"
               | table label value doublevalue</query>
        <set token="double">$row.doublevalue$</set>
        <set token="nor">$row.value$</set>
          <query>BASE QUERY   
| eval when=if(_time &gt; relative_time(now(), "$nor$"), "Current_Week", "Prev_Week")  
| stats count as events by  source when  
| chart sum(events) by source, when  
| eval perc = (Current_Week-Prev_Week)/Prev_Week 
| eval trend = case(perc < -0.3, "basso", (perc >= -0.3 and perc <= 0.3 ), "medio", perc > 0.3, "alto") 
| table source, Current_Week, Prev_Week, perc, trend</query>
        <option name="wrap">true</option>
        <option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
        <option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
        <option name="drilldown">cell</option>
        <option name="count">10</option>

Everything seems to work except one thing.
In the second row of the second query is written:

| eval when=if(_time &gt; relative_time(now(), "$nor$"), "Current_Week", "Prev_Week") 

and for some reason it put everything in Prev_Week.
instead if I write this line like this:

| eval when=if(_time > relative_time(now(), "-7d"), "Current_Week", "Prev_Week") 

then everything works, but of course is not dynamic.

Can you help me understand why?

Thank you

1 Solution


What you will need to do is create a dynamic query that generates a table with 3 columns, label, value and value2. Bind the results to the dropdown, and set a token on change event to pick the "double" value. Here is a "run anywhere" sample that will give you an idea on how this can be done.

  <fieldset submitButton="false">
    <input type="dropdown" token="t">
        <query>| makeresults | eval x="Last day|-1d@d|-2d@d;Last 7 days|-7d@d|-14d@d;Last 30 days|-30d@d|-60d@d" | makemv x delim=";" | mvexpand x | rex field=x "(?<label>[^\|]+)\|(?<value>[^\|]+)\|(?<doublevalue>.*)" | table label value doublevalue</query>
        <set token="double">$row.doublevalue$</set>
          <query>index=_internal earliest=$double$ | stats earliest(_time) as first latest(_time) as last | eval first=strftime(first, "%x %X") | eval last=strftime(last, "%x %X") | eval double="$double$"</query>

View solution in original post


What you will need to do is create a dynamic query that generates a table with 3 columns, label, value and value2. Bind the results to the dropdown, and set a token on change event to pick the "double" value. Here is a "run anywhere" sample that will give you an idea on how this can be done.

  <fieldset submitButton="false">
    <input type="dropdown" token="t">
        <query>| makeresults | eval x="Last day|-1d@d|-2d@d;Last 7 days|-7d@d|-14d@d;Last 30 days|-30d@d|-60d@d" | makemv x delim=";" | mvexpand x | rex field=x "(?<label>[^\|]+)\|(?<value>[^\|]+)\|(?<doublevalue>.*)" | table label value doublevalue</query>
        <set token="double">$row.doublevalue$</set>
          <query>index=_internal earliest=$double$ | stats earliest(_time) as first latest(_time) as last | eval first=strftime(first, "%x %X") | eval last=strftime(last, "%x %X") | eval double="$double$"</query>

0 Karma


Please do not update the original question. Add your feedback/comments in the comments section. Its become very difficult to track.

Now, re: your issue. You dont need the "nor" token. You should use $t$ for it. So, your query should look like this

| eval when=if(_time > relative_time(now(), "$t$"), "Current_Week", "Prev_Week") 
0 Karma


I did it and it works in the same way, still putting everything in the prev_week. 😞

0 Karma


Add this just below the <panel> tag.

<title>value=$t$; doublevalue=$double$</title>.

Do the values look right when you run it?

0 Karma


yes, the numbers look right:
value=-7d@d ; doublevalue=-14d@d
but all the data keep going into the prev_week.

And still if i change from "$t$" to "-14d", which should be the exact same value, then it works.


0 Karma


remove the quotes around $t$.

0 Karma


if I remove the quotes around $t$ it gives me the following error:

Error in 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. Expected ).

I think it is because that $t$ is inside the query.

0 Karma


In the bottom left corner of the panel, there is a magnifying glass. Click on that, see what you get in the search

0 Karma


i get this:

eval when=if(_time > relative_time( now(), "-7d@d  " )

the problem is the space after the d.

so i changed form this

Last 7 days |-7d@d  |-14d@d;

to this

Last 7 days |-7d@d|-14d@d;

and now seems to work

Thank you a lot 🙂

0 Karma


@andreafebbo Can I close out the other question as a duplicate of this one?

0 Karma


I needed for the same dashboard but the other does something broader so it would be nice to find a solution, but just for academical ends 😛

0 Karma
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