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Set token on submit button click?


Hi guys.

Can someone please post working js code for a button that toggles a token from "true" to "false" and back. Have attempted a ton of different js scripts but no dice.

One example that I have tried is below. The file loads and I bump etc.

 ], function(
             ) {
         var defaultTokenModel = mvc.Components.get("default");
         $("#btn-submit").on("click", function (){

//# sourceURL=submitToken.js
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1 Solution


Hi @nick405060 ,

Can you try this and tell me if this is what you are trying to get. I think your on click event handler is getting called every time but you are setting the value to true in each case which is not toggling the token value.

], function ($, mvc) {

    // get default token model
    var tokens = mvc.Components.get("default");
    // set default value for token
    tokens.set("clicked", "false");

    $("#btn-submit").on("click", function () {
        console.log("changing token value from " + tokens.get("clicked") + " to " + (tokens.get("clicked")=="true" ? "false" : "true"));
        // toggle token value
        tokens.set("clicked", tokens.get("clicked")=="true" ? "false" : "true");

View solution in original post


Hi @nick405060 ,

Can you try this and tell me if this is what you are trying to get. I think your on click event handler is getting called every time but you are setting the value to true in each case which is not toggling the token value.

], function ($, mvc) {

    // get default token model
    var tokens = mvc.Components.get("default");
    // set default value for token
    tokens.set("clicked", "false");

    $("#btn-submit").on("click", function () {
        console.log("changing token value from " + tokens.get("clicked") + " to " + (tokens.get("clicked")=="true" ? "false" : "true"));
        // toggle token value
        tokens.set("clicked", tokens.get("clicked")=="true" ? "false" : "true");


Took me a lot of debugging, but this works if you change "default" to "submitted"

Thank you!!

<form script="submitToken.js">

           <input id="btn-submit" type="button" value="Click"/>

| makeresults | eval message="$clicked$" | table message

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