Splunk Search

Set difference of a table field in Splunk

New Member

From a search I composed a table, let's call it T1, formed by two columns table name, sourcetype

Now I need to create a static, code generated table, call it T2, that contains all the expected values for the above mentioned table T1, hardcoded.

As a result, I need to generate a table T3 equal to: T2 - T1, basically a logical set difference of the first field, which answer the business question "I want to know which records are missing in T1 based on T2"

I am a newbie of Splunk and its query language and I tried to play a bit with set diff and eval to create static data but I did not manage to create the logic I want at all.

Could you point me to the correct logical implementation of this task?

I do script fluently in both SQL and Python, is there any kind of concept I could reuse to become more familiar with this query language?

Stupid graphical example:


name sourcetype


name sourcetype


name sourcetype
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As a simple example, you can append the second search to the first search and then count by name and sourcetype, and where the count is 1 and the sourcetype is T2 you have your result

search T1
| dedup name sourcetype
| append [search T2 | dedup name sourcetype | eval eventsource="T2"]
| stats count by name sourcetype
| where count = 1 AND eventsource="T2"
0 Karma

New Member

Hi, thanks for your reply first of all.
Do you know how could I hardcode T2 as well? I don't know how to create a table not from a search but with my hardcoded values

0 Karma


You could create a csv file and load that as a kv store and use inputlookup to read from the csv store. Alternatively, you could use makeresults to generate the hardcoded values every time (not really advised if you can save the values in a kv/csv store).

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