I have Splunk UF 7.0.3 that I want to send logs from to Splunk Cloud.
However, the UF doesn't support httpout so I am using an intermediate forwarder.
Can someone give me the input and output files of the intermediate forwarder and the output file to send to the intermediate forwarder?
Hi @jmr44,
at first I hint to use two intermediate Forwarders to avoid Single Points of Failure.
Then, the outputs.conf for the Intermediate Forwarders must be downloaded only by Splunk Cloud and it's in an app called "Forwarders".
The outputs.conf for all the Forwarders that have to send data to Splunk Cloud through the Intermediate Forwarders, is the normal outputs.conf:
server=mysplunk_indexer1:9997, mysplunk_indexer2:9997
as you can read at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Forwarder/9.0.3/Forwarder/Configureforwardingwithoutputs.conf