Using SPL and Splunk Search, I would like to search the logs array for each separate test_name and results and create a table with the results
my current query looks something like:
index="factory_mtp_events" | spath logs{}.test_name | search "logs{}.test_name"="Sample Test1"
{ logs: [ { result: Pass test_name: Sample Test1 { result: Pass test_name: Sample Test2 } { received: 4 result: Pass test_name: Sample Test3 } { expected: sample received: sample result: Pass test_name: Sample Test4 } { expected: 1 A S received: 1 A S result: Pass test_name: Sample Test5 } { expected: 1 reason: Sample Reason received: 1 result: Pass test_name: Sample Test6 } { pt1: 25000 pt1_recieved: 25012.666666666668 pt2: 20000 pt2_recieved: 25015.333333333332 pt3: 15000 pt3_recieved: 25017.0 result: Fail test_name: Sample Test7 } { result: Pass test_name: Sample Test8 tolerance: + or - 5 C recieved_cj: 239 user_temp: 250 } { expected: Open, Short, and Load verified OK. pt1: 2 pt1_recieved: 0 pt2: 1 pt2_received: 0 result: Fail test_name: Sample Test9 } { pt1: 2070 pt1_tolerance: 2070 pt1_received: 540 pt2: 5450 pt2_tolerance: 2800 pt2_received: 538 result: Fail test_name: Sample Test10 } { expected: Soft Start verified by operator received: Soft Start verified result: Pass test_name: Sample Test11 } { F_name: AUGER 320 F F_rpm: 1475 F_rpm_t: 150 F_rpm_received: 1500 F_v: 182 F_v_t: 160 F_v_received: 173 R_name: AUGER 320 R R_rpm: 1475 R_rpm_t: 150 R_rpm_received: 1450 R_v: 155 R_v_t: 160 R_v_ugc: 154.66666666666666 result: Pass test_name: Sample Test12 } { result: Pass rpm: 2130 rpm_t: 400 test_name: Sample Test13 received_rpm: 2126.6666666666665 received_v: 615.6666666666666 v: 630 v_t: 160 } ] result: Fail serial_number: XXXXXXXXXXXsample type: Test
What is the purpose of the brackets after logs? I assume regex must be used to get the result from each test? How do I pull results from each test into a table containing the results of every separate log?
I would like the table for each test to look something like:
** Sample Test1**
X | X | XXXXXXXsample |
Y | Z | XXXXXX2sample |
The problem is Splunk always flattens arrays. The trick is to preserve logs{} as a vector before mvexpand.
| spath path=logs{} ``` alternative syntax: | spath logs{} ```
| mvexpand logs{}
| search test_name="Sample Test1"
"Do mvexpand to split it into separate results. Then do spath" Need more detail please
Is there a way to see what the mvexpand returns? feels like debugging queries is next to impossible
when spath-ing the mv results what exactly am inputting for?
index="factory_mtp_events" |
spath "logs{}" output=logs |
mvexpand logs |
spath input=logs.test_name|
Usualy debugging involves just adding commands one by one and seeing if they yield the result you expect.
So just remove the last spath and see if you have separate "bundle" in each row. Then just do
| spath input=logs
1. The brackets are just part of field's name. Nothing more, nothing less.
2. Working with regex over structured data is... risky.
3. Extract the "logs" part. You should get a multivalued field of json-formatted objects. Do mvexpand to split it into separate results. Then do spath. Otherwise you'd just get huge multivalued blobs of data - Splunk doesn't play the "json structure" game so if you just flatten your json, you'll get all values of "the same" field compressed into a single multivalued field.