i'm trying to create a chart that has something like this
computername - 7 days ago - 6 days ago - 5 days ago ... etc. for total kb used each day to do some stats on it.
my search string is
index="_internal" source="*metrics.log" per_host_thruput | chart sum(kb) by series useother=false to provide for a single day but i'm not sure how to overlay them all into one chart.
any help would be awesome, thanks!
Why not use timechart?
index="_internal" source="*metrics.log" per_host_thruput | timechart useother=false span=1d sum(kb) by series
well ultamitely i'd like to be able to chart each day over ontop of eachother, and also, i'd like to be able to get the top value for each host over the 7 day period.