Hello Splunkers!!
I want a list of dashboards and those dashboards are using saved searches & macros. How I can achieve those details by using rest command. So far I have tried the below one but not getting the exact result.
|rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views splunk_server=local |table author eai:acl.app id eai:data title
Hi @uagraw01 ,
what's the problem wit your search? it's correct!
It extracts all views with the code, so you can make two additional field extractions to identify macros and savedsearches:
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views splunk_server=local
| rex field="eai:data" max_match=0 "\`(?<macro>\w+)\`"
| rex field="eai:data" max_match=0 "savedsearch\s+(?<savedsearch>\w+)"
| table author eai:acl.app id eai:data macro savedsearch title
Hi @uagraw01 ,
what's the problem wit your search? it's correct!
It extracts all views with the code, so you can make two additional field extractions to identify macros and savedsearches:
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views splunk_server=local
| rex field="eai:data" max_match=0 "\`(?<macro>\w+)\`"
| rex field="eai:data" max_match=0 "savedsearch\s+(?<savedsearch>\w+)"
| table author eai:acl.app id eai:data macro savedsearch title