Splunk Search

Search processing language


Hi Everyone,

Can any one help me with SPL to extract report of recent log sources reporting with time and the time difference from current time.

Thanks in Advance!

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Hi @EHariharan

This is a very hard problem, however the metawoot app does the best job of providing the sort of reports you want: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/2949/

Silly name, excellent app 🙂

All the best.

0 Karma


Thank you Chris.

But do i have any chance to extract report using query?

like adding some more query with following
* | stats values(source) by host

0 Karma


Sorry I can't give you a simple answer. There are a lot of complexities becuase if you have time parsing problems, then the events won't show up in your search in the first place.

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