We ran into a problem where a search in smart mode returns 6 events, while the same search in fast mode returns 2 events even if we enrich search in fast mode with some more fields we want to extract on top fields extracted by default. No effect. Searches are very simple – no transforming commands at the end.
We found out that in fast mode if we add
“| fields *”
it automagically returns all 6 events we expected. These searches run in dashboards/reports – so by default in FAST. What does adding |fields *
have to do with the search? Isn’t it the same as Smart/Verbose after that? Does not make sense to me.
I read the docs detailing difference between fast vs. smart.
Still I do not get it.
BTW: The additional fields in events we want to see in FAST are extracted using EXTACT and REPORT sin props.conf + corresponding stanzas in transforms.conf.
Why is this happening?
Adding fields *
is a clever way to FORCE splunk to run in Smart Mode
even when Fast Mode
is selected. It should be that both Dashbaords
and Scheduled Searches
run in Smart Mode
. If you are sure that this is not the case for you, then DEFINITELY open a support case. You need to tell Splunk more about the fields that are creating/referencing by adding INDEXED
settings in fields.conf (it is a tricky thing):
It looks that default search mode for Splunk dashboards is FAST. I am finding contradictory answers to this question - some says FAST some says SMART. We seem to be running in FAST mode in dashboards and then do not get any results. In SMART wet get all events.
See my answer above. It looks like REPORT- stanza does not work in FAST mode while EXTRACT- does work. Weird.
There should be no functional difference between REPORT-
other than the order in which the 2 are done. Definitely open a support case.
We found a problem but we do not understand why it's happening.
There were some fields defined via EXTRACT- stanza and some fields defined via REPORT- stanza using transforms.conf. In FAST mode only fields using EXTRACT were really extracted when we enforced extraction in SPL using field=. So far so good. However, those fields defined via REPORT- stanza were not extracted when enforced with field= in SPL.
When we switched from REPORT- EXTRACT- it started working as expected.
This does not make sense! What should we do if we wanted some more complex transformations via REPORT in FAST mode as this one is defualt for all dashboards ???
Hi @tomasmoser,
the problem is that in Fast Mode you can use only the basic fields (index, sourcetype, source, host), you cannot use other fields.
For more details see at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.0/Search/Changethesearchmode
That is not true. See my answer above.
One important fact. We are extracting fields using following "special" hack
EXTRACT-uno_fields = ^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}Z\s+(?P<severity>\w+)\s+(?P<logger>[^\s]+)\s+(?:(?P<th
REPORT-uno_thread_fields = uno_thread_fields
EVAL-severity = if(isnotnull(severity), severity, "n/a")
EVAL-traceId = if(isnotnull(traceId), traceId, "n/a")
EVAL-parentId = if(isnotnull(parentId), parentId, "n/a")
EVAL-spanId = if(isnotnull(spanId), spanId, "n/a")
EVAL-logger = if(isnotnull(logger), logger, "n/a")
# temporarily for backward compatibility
FIELDALIAS-uno_logLevel = severity as uno_logLevel
FIELDALIAS-uno_logger = logger as uno_logger
FIELDALIAS-uno_thread = thread as uno_thread
FIELDALIAS-uno_message = message as uno_message
FIELDALIAS-uno_time = _time as uno_time
The sourcetype-wildcard-hack
is fine and should have nothing to do with this.
do you use one of these fields as a filter in your search?
Yes, we use simple searches like
`index=blabla sourcetype=blabla`.
This does not work.
But if I explicitely add a filter with another field to be extracted it DOES NOT work too.
index=blabla sourcetype=blabla spanId=*
Then if I add | fields * it immediately starts working.
index=blabla sourcetype=blabla spanId=*
| fields *
Hi @tomasmoser,
this was a bug in version 6.2, that was solved in the following releases!
Only one question: what's the time period of your search?
Please try non using earlies=now, in other words: use an old time period as yesterday or last hour and check if you have the same error.
At the same time the hint of @kamlesh_vaghela ·is fully correct: use only the fields you need!
If you continue to have the problem, open a ticket to Splunk Support: This helps all the Splunk users!
adding to what @gcusello says, I can confirm that he is correct. I am using the same code in 7.x vs 6.x.
I started to notice that if i ran the search in verbose mode (6.x) it was returning 1-2 events more thatn my dashboard results, now when i go to 7.x(at least for this particular instance) there is no difference.
This was a big bug in my opinion, since users would not even know that they are missing events in a dashboard but looks to have been fixed now
I will not suggest | fields *
but you can use | fields
by mentioning required fields.
Like, YOUR_SEARCH | fields F1 F2 F3 etc
We tried that. Does not work. Only "|fields *" works.