Hi Splunkers,
I am trying to do a search that gives me a list of forwarders that cannot contact the Deployment server do tô be dropped by the firewall, I have this search below but it gives me too many false positives,
is there a way I can have a search to only trigger if I have results with action!=allowed and 0 events for action=allowed? My search below,
index=firewall dest=deployment_server dest_port=8089 action!=allowed sourcetype=ops
| stats count by srcIP action _date
Hi @gcusello @thanks for this solution it does work I’ve checked and I do have something similar but what I am trying to get here is a way for us to know when there is a network impact, let’s say a user is onboarding but didn’t request the right firewall rule or when there is a network change and we can use this search to verify the impact to our clients (forwarders)
by the way your search
where total=0 should be total=1
Hi @max_ruas,
sorry but I don't know a search to have this, also becasue you cannor run a search not aving logs in Splunk.
You could run a search like the one I hinted and then, if there are results, use telnet to check if there's some block.
Probably the best approach is that in your installation procedure (you surely have one!) you could add as first step a connection check using telnet.
If you haven't it, create a new one!
Remember to check both connection with:
Hi @max_ruas,
have you a list of installed Forwarders?
if yes, the solution is easy:
you have to put your list in a lookup called e.g. perimeter.csv, containing at least one field (host) and run a simple search on Splunk:
| metasearch index=_internal
| eval host=lower(host)
| stats count BY host
| append [ | inputlookup perimeter.csv | eval host=lower(host), count=0 | fields host count ]
| stats sum(count) AS total BY host
| where total=0