rex "(?i)(?P<testERROR>(\:[^\:]*){2})$"
:test string 123:test test test123
I have to keep the the 2nd : match from the end of the line but i don't want it to be displayed in the output.
*when i say second match from the end, that means i would like to remove the colon from ":test"
Is this something where a lookahead/lookbehind is needed?
If you are asking how to capture everything after the next-to-last colon (through the end of the line) but don't include the next-to-last colon, then do it like this:
... | rex ":(?<testERROR>[^:]*:[^:]*$)"
I guess the quantifier wasn't needed. Thanks Woodcock!
If this worked, do click "Accept" to close the question.
is ":test string 123:test test test123" the string you want to use that regex?
if it is, you are capturing 2 groups
group "testERROR" - :test string 123:test test test123
unnamed group - :test test test123
what do you want to capture? this? "test test test123"
use to test your regex
test string 123:test test test123
this is what i want to capture.
try this:
if the complete string you're looking at is ":test string 123:test test test123" and you just want to remove the ":" this works.