I am trying to calculate the duration/timetaken between 2 strings in an event using transaction starts with and endswith and it is not giving the expected and the format is different, I wanted a simple format with HH:MM:SS
Example of event returned :
[main] 19:28:06,435[batchLogId=, clientCode=] INFO org.ets.ereg.batch.common.listener.BaseJobListener.beforeJob(BaseJobListener.java:89) - Start : Before Job *************
[main] 20:05:07,411[batchLogId=15304309, clientCode=] INFO org.ets.ereg.batch.common.listener.BaseJobListener.afterJob(BaseJobListener.java:163) - End : After Job ***********
My Requirement :
I wanted to calculate my time taken or duration based on the timings in front of these . Between Start and End After Job.
My Query is
index="ereg-prod" source="jobs.*log" | transaction startswith="Start : Before Job" endswith="End : After Job" | rex field=source "/*/logs/job-(?\S+).log"
I tried time chart and _time what is the exact way to get it. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Hello @sen8sen,
please consult https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.3/SearchReference/Transaction
the transaction command adds two fields to the raw events, duration and eventcount. The values in the duration field show the difference between the timestamps for the first and last events in the transaction.
So basically the transaction command do it for you already and you can use this field directly:
index="ereg-prod" source="jobs.log" | transaction startswith="Start : Before Job" endswith="End : After Job" | rex field=source "//logs/job-(?\S+).log" |table _raw duration
Hello @sen8sen,
please consult https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.3/SearchReference/Transaction
the transaction command adds two fields to the raw events, duration and eventcount. The values in the duration field show the difference between the timestamps for the first and last events in the transaction.
So basically the transaction command do it for you already and you can use this field directly:
index="ereg-prod" source="jobs.log" | transaction startswith="Start : Before Job" endswith="End : After Job" | rex field=source "//logs/job-(?\S+).log" |table _raw duration
Hi ,
Thanks , it does work . I too have another field which comes within the event and I am trying to calculate the duration by that field. My query is below
index="ereg-prod" | transaction time maxspan=1h startswith="Start : Before Job" endswith="End : After Job" | rex field=source "*/logs/job-(?\S+).log" | table duration, BatchJobName
basically I am trying to calculate the duration in HH/MM/SS for the batchjobs and there are some batch jobs which runs hourly and some every 15 min within a hour and how can arrive at the average running duration of these jobs. If I try my search | | chart values(duration) over _time by BatchJobName will it work. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Hi @sen8sen,
try to build your transactions based on a uniq common field (BatchJobName):
index="ereg-prod" | transaction BatchJobName time maxspan=1h startswith="Start : Before Job" endswith="End : After Job" | rex field=source "*/logs/job-(?\S+).log" | table duration, BatchJobName
BTW: what you try to achive/extract with your rex command? Your rex command missing a named caputring group, see https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.3/SearchReference/Rex
here is my query
index="ereg-prod" source="/export/Apps/ereg-prod/batch/archive/.*log" | transaction time startswith="Start : Before Job" endswith="End : After Job" | rex field=source "ereg-prod/batch/archive/logs/job-(?\S+).log" | rex field=source "ereg-prod/batch/archive/logs/job-(?\S+).log" | chart avg(duration) as "Duration in Seconds" by BatchJobName
It is returning the results but the unable to format for HH:MM:SS which would be useful. Would it be possible to achieve that
Hello @sen8sen,
sure, check this answer: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/61652/convert-seconds-into-hours-minutes-and-seconds.html
Hi ,
thanks a lot -:)