I have a dashboard (form) that I'm trying to allow a text field to accept single values or comma separated values that will be replaced by "* OR" right now when I first start up the dashboard and enter a single value, it just stays at "Search is waiting for input.." if I enter comma separated values it will run the search. I tried rapping the eval in a if statement to check for commas, but that didn't seem to do anything.
Here is what I currently have:
<input type="text" token="clientTransactionId" searchWhenChanged="true" id="webOrder">
<label>Transaction Id (for multiple use csv's):</label>
<eval token="clientTransactionId_formatted">if(like($clientTransactionId$, "%,%"),replace($clientTransactionId$,",","* OR"),$clientTransactionId$)</eval>
And here is what I tried before:
<eval token="clientTransactionId_formatted">replace($clientTransactionId$,",","* OR")</eval>
How can I set this up to run? I need it to eval before search, there are too many transactions to filter after search has ran.
Your code looks good and below statement is enough, replace occurs only if "," present in input otherwise clientTransactionId_formatted set to clientTransactionId. Can you post xml part of where token clientTransactionId_formatted
is used.
<eval token="clientTransactionId_formatted">replace($clientTransactionId$,",","* OR")</eval>
This is what I have right now:
index=[redacted] (source="[redacted]*" OR source="[redacted]*") $clientTransactionId_formatted$* $actionType$ earliest=$date_range$ latest=now ...
(Sorry I had to redact things for company security/privacy)
The more I play with it the more it seems this only happens if its a SINGLE transaction on the first query after I load the page, if I start with csv's then it works first start, just not when its the first query of a single transaction.
I think I see what is causing the issue, I have a second input (multi select) and if its "populating" when I enter into the first one, it doesn't trigger the eval. Not sure why those would be dependent one one another. I have a few static options defined, such as an "All" which is a * value as default.
If I wait until after "populating" is completed, it works.
<input type="multiselect" token="actionType" searchWhenChanged="true" id="action">
<label>Action Type:</label>
<choice value="*">All</choice>
<choice value="">------------------------------------------</choice>
Is searchWhenChanged="true" set for other token inputs? Are you using Submit button? I don't see any issue with this text input. You can use below xml, it gives output for single value also.
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<input type="text" token="clientTransactionId" searchWhenChanged="true" id="webOrder">
<label>Transaction Id (for multiple use csv's):</label>
<eval token="clientTransactionId_formatted">replace($clientTransactionId$,",","* OR ")</eval>
<div class="custom-result-value">$clientTransactionId_formatted$</div>