I am reading the data from a csv lookup.
I have client usage data per country for a number of business features.
I need to represent the client usage for each country using pie chart. The client usage pie chart will have further breakdown of client usage numbers by business features.
Here is my query that I use to show client usage on choropleth map right now. But I need the pie charts to further show the business features.
| inputlookup Feature.csv |search "CLIENT USAGE"!=0|chart sum(CLIENT USAGE) as "ClientUsage" by "MARKET NAME"|Rename "MARKET NAME" as "Country" |eval ClientUsage= tostring(ClientUsage,"commas")| eval Country=case(Country="FRANCE", "France",Country="AUSTRALIA","Australia",Country="USA","United States",Country="UNITED KINGDOM","United Kingdom",Country="SPAIN","Spain",Country="GERMANY","Germany", Country="CANADA", "Canada", Country="MEXICO", "Mexico", Country="SAUDI ARABIA","Saudi Arabia", Country="SWITZERLAND", "Switzerland", Country="UNITED ARAB EMIRATES", "United Arab Emirates")| eval ClientUsage= Country+"----"+ClientUsage |geom geo_countries featureIdField="Country"