Remove field values from one multi-valued field which values are present in another multi-valued field
Looking for something like:
| eval dest=mvfilter(if(dest IN email_sender, null(), dest))
Here dest contains both sender and receiver of the email. hence I'm trying to exclude the sender from it.
(FYI, the sender is also a multi-valued field that's because I've used stats before it.)
Use mvmap. See this example
| makeresults count=1
| eval dest=split("User1,User2,User3,User4,User5",",")
| eval sender=split("User3,User7", ",")
| table sender dest
| eval dest=mvmap(dest,if(isnull(mvfind(sender,dest)),dest,null))
last line removes 'User3' from the dest field as it's one of the senders.
If I'm not mistaken, mvfilter() does just that. You can use mvmap() to iterate over email_sender.
| eval dest=mvmap(email_sender, mvfilter(isnull(mvfind(dest, "^" . email_sender . "$"))))
The mvfind() expression assumes that each email_sender would match the exact spelling if it appears in dest.
Thanks @yuanliu. Logically I thought this should work but somehow mvfilter doesn't want to work. Anyways it worked with @bowesmana answer without mvfilter.
I think I know why mvfilter gives error. mvfilter requires its argument to only involve one multivalue variable. But because of mvfind, it now involves both dest and email_sender, even though email_sender is actually single-valued inside the mvmap iterator. In fact, mvfilter will parse to error even if email_sender is genuinely single valued.
There might be some roundabout way to turn email_sender into a pattern substitution instead of a variable, but that is in itself too convoluted.
@yuanliu - Yeah, mvfilter can reference only one field, the rest should be only string/pattens.
The expression can reference only one field.
(From doc -
Use mvmap. See this example
| makeresults count=1
| eval dest=split("User1,User2,User3,User4,User5",",")
| eval sender=split("User3,User7", ",")
| table sender dest
| eval dest=mvmap(dest,if(isnull(mvfind(sender,dest)),dest,null))
last line removes 'User3' from the dest field as it's one of the senders.