I got a dashboard with different panels. They are all controlled by a single timepicker.
Usually the timeranges a several weeks. In one of the panels I want an overview for the last 24 hours relative to the latest time.
For Example:
Time range picked via the picker:
24h Overview should display events for this range:
I tried working with tokens and different method to calculate the new earliest time but didnt get it to work.
I think it will be a simple fix but I jsut cant get it atm.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @hypePG
Try like in that panel with
<query>index="_internal" |stats count</query>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
thanks for your answer! tried this already, i get the error message:
Invalid latest_time: latest_time must be after earliest_time.
are you passing timepickers latest time?
yes i am:
what is the time range that you have selected?