I am working with data from a database which produces information on transactions.
The problem is that transactions can have any number of related attributes, and transaction details will be replicated with a new line for each attribute.
In the format of:
[Transaction ID] [tab] [Attribute name] [tab] [Attribute value] [tab] [date]
11111 Amount 12000
11111 Reference 101010
11111 Operator John
11111 Subject Credit
11111 Notes XXXXXXXX
11112 Amount 75000
11112 Reference 202020
11112 Operator Will
I am trying to identify a REGEX expression for EACH attribute which will match on the following logic;
"Amount" - followed by TAB - followed by variable length NUMBER - followed by TAB
"Reference" - followed by TAB - followed by variable length NUMBER - followed by TAB
"Operator" - followed by TAB - followed by variable length STRING - followed by TAB
"Subject" - followed by TAB - followed by variable length STRING- followed by TAB
"Notes" - followed by TAB - followed by variable length STRING- followed by TAB
Currently when I load this data into Splunk I am using auto event break so I have multiple events related to each "Request ID" and I can extract the Attribute and Value however this is obviously not ideal as I would like to extract the attribute itself, i.e.; Amount, Reference, Operator, etc.
Like this:
| makeresults
| eval raw="11111 Amount 12000::11111 Reference 101010::11111 Operator John::11111 Subject Credit::11111 Notes XXXXXXXX::11112 Amount 75000::11112 Reference 202020::11112 Operator Will"
| makemv raw delim="::"
| mvexpand raw
| rename raw AS _raw
| rename COMMENT AS "Everything above generates sample event data; everything below is your solution"
| rex "^\d+\s+(?<key>\S+)\s+(?<value>\S+)"
| eval {key}=value
| fields - key value
Hi alexandermunce,
let me better understand: you extracted these data from a Db, they aren't events with a timestamp, and you want to extract fields to diplay them in a report or a dashboard, is it correct?
If this is your situation you can follow two ways:
In the second case you can aggregate events using the transaction command.
Anyway, if you have only one event you can extract fields with one regex:
If otherwise you have each record in one event, you have to create a regex for for each field, using the same regexes