Hi @SabariRajanT,
if you could share a sample it's easier to help you!
Anyway, what do you need:
If the first you can use:
| regex "UPN\=.*T\@mail\.eeir"
If the second, I need a sample.
Hi @SabariRajanT,
if you could share a sample it's easier to help you!
Anyway, what do you need:
If the first you can use:
| regex "UPN\=.*T\@mail\.eeir"
If the second, I need a sample.
Hi @SabariRajanT,
ok, good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking.
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉
sample - UPN=*t@cloud.weir
Required to remove above "t" and "T".
Thanks for your response.!
It doesn't work out well
When i use a Not operator like below. The "t" "T" should ignore
search NOT (UPN=*t@cloud.eeir)
Hi @SabariRajanT,
did you tried the search without using regex?
| search NOT (UPN=*t@cloud.eeir)
Splunk searches aren't case sensitive.
hi @gcusello
Yes did that.! But no luck. There are n no of id's with "T" "t". The regex part will help it out as i believe.
Hi @SabariRajanT,
as I said, I could help you more, if you share some sample of your data (the events not the rule!): data to take and data to exclude.
Hi @gcusello
Let me explain you the scenario in details:
when I query below, I get the UPN details with "T" as below.
index=xxx | eval UPN=mvindex('userStates{}.userPrincipalName',0) |search UPN = "*T@mail.eeir"
|table UPN
xxx.mmm@mail.eeir |
yyy.Mmmm@mail.eeir |
zzz.rrrr@mail.eeir |
cccc.eeeeT@mail.eeir |
If you see above data xxx , yyy, cccT UPN data's coming up. But I need to ignore "T" here and show the rest all UPN data like as below
xxx.mmm@mail.eeir |
yyy.Mmmm@mail.eeir |
zzz.rrrr@mail.eeir |
cccc.eeee@mail.eeir |
For the same am trying to use below query with regex command. But no luck regex is not working.
index=graphsecurityalert | eval UPN=mvindex('userStates{}.userPrincipalName',0) |rex!=UPN = "*T@mail.eeir" |table UPN
if you provide the following rex will be great - |rex!=UPN = "*T@mail.eeir"
Hi @SabariRajanT,
please, try this regex:
| rex mode=sed field=UPN "s/(\w+\.\w+)T|t\@(.*)/\1\@\2/g"