I'm struggling to find the proper regex to adjust the blacklist for 4662 events.
I want to blacklist all 4662 events unless they are related to group policy or DNS.
I've tried a number of combinations. My latest running example is:
blacklist1 = EventCode="4662" Message="Object Type:\s+(?!(groupPolicyContainer|dnsNode))"
Using this I get back no 4662 events.
So far while trying to research and understand RegEx I haven't figured out how to make this work.
Give this a try:
blacklist1 = EventCode="4662" Message="Object Type:(?!\s*(groupPolicyContainer|dnsNode))"
So are you saying this example Regex in your inputs.conf working or not working? to what you are trying to achieve? Can you clarify your question?
I'm trying to ignore all events with the ID 4662 unless they are from the object type "groupPolicyContainer" or "dnsNode".
Example message field from an event:
An operation was performed on an object.
Subject :
Security ID: domain\user
Account Name: user
Account Domain: domain
Logon ID: 0x57634DF
Object Server: DS
Object Type: groupPolicyContainer
Object Name: CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=domain
Handle ID: 0x0
Operation Type: Object Access
Accesses: Control Access
Access Mask: 0x100
Properties: Control Access
Replicating Directory Changes
Additional Information:
Parameter 1: -
Parameter 2:
The out of the box config for the Windows TA contains this blacklist entry:
blacklist1 = EventCode="4662" Message="Object Type:\s+(?!groupPolicyContainer)"
I'm just trying to also include dnsNode with groupPolicyContainer to index those two types of events but ignore everything else.
I thought it would just be an OR as I listed above but that config does not work.
blacklist1 = EventCode="4662" Message="Object Type:\s+(?!(groupPolicyContainer)|(dnsNode))"
This actually causes every 4662 event to be indexed, regardless of object type.
My first attempt was
blacklist1 = EventCode="4662" Message="Object Type:\s+(?!groupPolicyContainer|dnsNode)"
which causes all 4663 events to be indexed.
Removing the negation the regex appears to work to match on an event. I suspect there's something about the ?! I haven't figured out yet.