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Query string method not working for HEC on Cloud


I have a splunk cloud stack which has HEC enabled on it and I am referring following page to send data via HEC:

which have mentioned 3 ways:
1. HTTP Authentication
2. Basic authentication
3. Query string

Among them, 1 and 2 are working properly. But when I tried to send data via "Query string" it gives following Error:

{"text":"Query string authorization is not enabled","code":16}

The curl command I tried is as follow:
curl -k https://http-inputs-STACK_NAME.splunkcloud.com/services/collector/event?token=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx... -d '{"event": "hello world"}'

Any idea regarding How to enable the "Query string" in cloud stack?

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1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hi Naiktej13,

Seems that the allowQueryStringAuth has not been set to true in the HEC local stanza in your Cloud instance:
allowQueryStringAuth = [true|false]
For detailed information about his setting, see http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.6.0/Admin/Inputsconf#HTTP_Event_Collector_.28HEC.29_-_... .

Please contact your Cloud administrator to set allowQueryStringAuth to true to Enable sending authorization token with query string.

Hope it helps. Thanks!

View solution in original post

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hi Naiktej13,

Seems that the allowQueryStringAuth has not been set to true in the HEC local stanza in your Cloud instance:
allowQueryStringAuth = [true|false]
For detailed information about his setting, see http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.6.0/Admin/Inputsconf#HTTP_Event_Collector_.28HEC.29_-_... .

Please contact your Cloud administrator to set allowQueryStringAuth to true to Enable sending authorization token with query string.

Hope it helps. Thanks!

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