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Query Rex




Am a newbie and am looking to extract data from a sample set that looks like this (its ingested in JSON):

   loguid="302650",  a_msg="HandlingStatus=Finished, Message=Changed



I want to extract the uid data as well as the Message which is inside the a_msg.

I have 

rex field=log "uid=\"(?<uid>\d{1,}+)"

which gives me the uid, but I am REALLY struggling with the Message, ideally I would like a table to be produced so from the above data it would look like

UID, Message


302650, PlanChanged


I am reading up on Rex and Reg Ex etc, but this particular request requires a quick turnaround and i am really struggling.  Any help would be appreciated.


Many thanks

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1 Solution


No wonder you are struggling - this doesn't look like correctly formatted JSON - the rex you said works, doesn't work with the string you just post since it includes backslashes which are not in the rex you shared. If the backslashes really exist in your data, try something like this (the first part before the blank lines just sets up the data you shared.

| makeresults
| eval _raw="{\"log\":\"a_level=\\\"INFO\\\", a_uid=\\\"302650\\\", a_msg=\\\"HandlingStatus=Finished, Message=PlanChanged, MessageId=0c0277da-4b4a-4c4d-abcd-49b8c1e3f896, Result=True\\\", \"level\":\"info\"}"

| rex "uid=\\\\\"(?<uid>\d+).+Message=(?<message>[^,]+)"

View solution in original post


Please can you share the raw event in a code block </> rather than a formatted version of the event?

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{"log":"a_level=\"INFO\", a_uid=\"302650\", a_msg=\"HandlingStatus=Finished, Message=PlanChanged, MessageId=0c0277da-4b4a-4c4d-abcd-49b8c1e3f896, Result=True\", "level":"info"}

Thanks @ITWhisperer  - you getting me excited, i have spent ages on this 


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No wonder you are struggling - this doesn't look like correctly formatted JSON - the rex you said works, doesn't work with the string you just post since it includes backslashes which are not in the rex you shared. If the backslashes really exist in your data, try something like this (the first part before the blank lines just sets up the data you shared.

| makeresults
| eval _raw="{\"log\":\"a_level=\\\"INFO\\\", a_uid=\\\"302650\\\", a_msg=\\\"HandlingStatus=Finished, Message=PlanChanged, MessageId=0c0277da-4b4a-4c4d-abcd-49b8c1e3f896, Result=True\\\", \"level\":\"info\"}"

| rex "uid=\\\\\"(?<uid>\d+).+Message=(?<message>[^,]+)"


@ITWhisperer awesome thank you, this has saved me so much time.  it is producing what i need now albeit there are some anomalies in the data but i know what to do from here...thank you so much

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