Splunk Search

Query - How to check failed % > X

Path Finder

I need help in a splunk search. 
My requirement is get the stats for failed and successful count along with the percentage of Failed and  Successful  and at last I would need to fetch the stats only when the failed % is > 10 %

My query works fine  until the below

| eval status= case(statuscode < 400, "Success", statuscode > 399,"Failed")
| stats count(status) as TOTAL  count(eval(status="Success")) as Success_count  count(eval(status="Failed")) as Failed_count  by Name, URL
| eval Success%= ((Success_count /TOTAL)*100)
| eval Failed%= ((Failed_count /TOTAL)*100)

The above works and I get the table with Name URL TOTAL  Success_count   Failed_count   Success% Failed%

Now, when I add the below to the above query, It fails 
| where Failed% > 10
How do I get the failed% > 10 with the above table. Please assist

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0 Karma
1 Solution


I think Splunk can be finicky about some special characters in fieldnames when evaluating logic statements

I think the same applies for fieldnames containing "{" or "}" and maybe even "."

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Path Finder

Many thanks for the update. I will verify and get back to you

0 Karma


You may need to put single quotes around your field in the where clause


| makeresults
    | eval
    | where 'Fail%'>10
0 Karma


I think Splunk can be finicky about some special characters in fieldnames when evaluating logic statements

I think the same applies for fieldnames containing "{" or "}" and maybe even "."

0 Karma



my hint is to use some filenames which don't contains any special marks when you are searching, calculate or manipulate data. If/when you want those "fancy names" on your output it's better to use like

  • rename fooPercent as foo%
  • rename bar as "this is bar"

on last command on your SPL. With this way you will get much easier life with SPL 😉

r. Ismo

Path Finder

Many thanks for all your inputs. It is working as expected

0 Karma
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