Hi There,
Thanks in advance. I am trying to plot a graph with the request time for each request on the y-axis and minutes on the x axis.
Here is an example log entry.
10.xx.xx.xx - - [19/May/2020:03:15:46 +0000] "POST /web/Authorization?schema=1.3&form=json&httpError=true&cid=cd65b044-426b-4131-8e92-5f239a31cfc5" 200 92131 1 "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)" "" cd65b044-426b-4131-8e92-5f239a31cfc5 miss "{\"authorize\":{\"operations\":[{\"service\":\"offerDataService\",\"instance\":\"offerDataService-gracenote-prod\",\"endpoint\":\"ContentEntitlement\",\"method\":\"GET\"}]}}"
Can anyone help me write a Splunk query for it?
Hi @parekhdevang,
if request time is the timestamp of your ResultCode=200 events and you want a graph with the number of events in every minute for each host, you could try someing like this:
your_index ResultCode=200
| timechart span=1m count BY host
if you haven't already extracted the ResultCode, you can do it in the search using the rex command
| rex "\"\s+(?<ResultCode>\d+)\s+"
| search ResultCode=200
| timechart span=1m count BY host
where is request time
a graph with the request time for each request on the y-axis and minutes on the x axis.
I am not sure the graph, please provide sample graph or pic.