I have a table top 10 ( could be top15)
So there table has a the top 10 most popular projects by count split by status
however I want to get the status percentage to be the % of the individual project status not as a percentage of the entire table
| top 10 STATUS by projects
| sort -count
| eventstats sum(count) as TotalNumber
| eval PercentOfTotal = round(100 * count / TotalNumber,2). "%"
| stats list(STATUS) as "STATUS", list(count) as "Count", list(PercentOfTotal) as "Percent", sum(count) as "Total" by projects
| sort -Total | addinfo | eval rank=1 | accum rank | sort +num(rank) | head (rank <=10)
| fields rank, projects , STATUS, Count,Percent, Total
| eval STATUS=mvindex(STATUS,0,9)
| eval Count=mvindex(Count,0,9)
| eval Percent=mvindex(Percent,0,9)
Do you need something like this?
| top 10 STATUS by projects | sort - projects count | eventstats sum(count) as ProjectTotal by projects | eval ProjectPercent = round(count/ProjectTotal*100,2)."%" | table projects STATUS count ProjectPercent
Can you please explain by giving the data in table entries instead of the SPL as without data it's hard to visualise what you are asking for.
This is was I am after - the above Source I provided was giving the percent of the OVERALL count totals of the 3 projects added together
- I was the percent per rank / project
rank project status count percent total
1 project1 Initial 10 50% 20
Started 8 40%
Completed 2 10%
2 Project 2 Initial 5 50% 10
Started 4 40%
Completed 1 10%
3 Project 3 Initial 4 50% 8
Started 4 40%
Completed 0 10%
I do not understand the image, do you have any samples?