I have a search that returns two fields, Username and Location, for a specific username. To extend this search, I would also like to see:
a) any other usernames, in addition to the one searched for, in the same location(s). So if the initial search returns two different locations, I would like to see the additional users for both locations;
b) if the _time value for the additional usernames are within 15minutes (+ or -) of the initial username.
Current search that returns the data for a specific Username is
(index="o365" OR index="main") (type="New-Request" OR Operation="*") Username="smith*" Campus="MainSite"
| dedup Username,Location
| fields _time,Username,type,Operation,Location,DateTime,SSID,Campus,src_ip,Client_Mac
| table Username,Location
I'm assuming I need to do a nested search, I'm just not sure how to prepare it and pass the relevant location to return the addition usernames.
Try using the map command documentation The examples are close to what you are trying. You should either calculate an earliest and latest time (- and + 15 minutes) in your initial query so they can be passed into map or save _time to a new field to pass in and calculate earliest and latest in the map search