Is there was to dynamically pass a value like below in Splunk for running a search from cli.
I am trying to write a script to find event count from source files on HF and compare event to count indexed by running the below search
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk search 'index=* source=${c2_source}/*.gz | stats count' -uri 'https://<SH IP>:8089/' -auth admin:xxxxxxxxxx 2>/dev/null
Or is there way to achive using restapi commands
I have implemented this way.
query="index=* source=${c2_source}/*.gz earliest=-1d@d | stats count"
event_count=$(/opt/splunk/bin/splunk search "$query" -uri 'https://<SH-IP>:8089/' -auth admin:password 2>/dev/null)
echo $event_count