Splunk Search

Order of search ops with eval vs fieldformat

Path Finder

If I run a search such as the following:

sourcetype=access_combined action=purchase | stats sum(price) as Price by product_name, productId | eval revenue="$"+tostring(Price) | fields - Price

the revenue field calculates correctly. If I structure a bit differently:

sourcetype=access_combined action=purchase | stats sum(price) as Price by product_name, productId | fieldformat revenue="$"+tostring(Price) | fields - Price

revenue does not calculate correctly ($Null), it appears that downstream operations do not work with fieldformat?

Let me know, thanks!

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1 Solution


When you eval, revenue actually gets set to $ + whatever the value of "Price" is, so its safe to remove "Price" from the list of fields.

When you fieldformat, revenue is displayed as $ + the field known as "Price"

You then remove Price, so Price is null (i.e. revenue can not reference Price any more)

You can do fieldformat Price="$".Price instead

View solution in original post


When you eval, revenue actually gets set to $ + whatever the value of "Price" is, so its safe to remove "Price" from the list of fields.

When you fieldformat, revenue is displayed as $ + the field known as "Price"

You then remove Price, so Price is null (i.e. revenue can not reference Price any more)

You can do fieldformat Price="$".Price instead

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