I have this query to find hosts from a lookup that have zero events. There are about a 100 hosts and I can see that the query performance is slow with the use of subquery this way.
Any ideas to improve this?
| inputlookup lookup.csv
| join type=outer [search index=os sourcetype=ps "abc.pid" OR "abc.bin"
| stats count as heartbeat by host ]
| fillnull heartbeat value=0
| where heartbeat=0
| stats values(host) as failed_hosts
Hi @krbalaji77,
the error is to use the join command that must be used only when there isn't any other solution.
Splunk isn't a database!
In addition you used the search as subquery and you have the limit of 50,000 results.
You should use a different approach using your lookup:
index=os sourcetype=ps "abc.pid" OR "abc.bin"
| eval host=lower(host)
| stats count BY host
| append [ | inputlookup lookup.csv | eval host=lower(host), count=0 | fields host count ]
| join type=outer [search ]
| stats sum(count) AS total BY host
| where total=0
This is a more performant search.
Hi @krbalaji77,
the error is to use the join command that must be used only when there isn't any other solution.
Splunk isn't a database!
In addition you used the search as subquery and you have the limit of 50,000 results.
You should use a different approach using your lookup:
index=os sourcetype=ps "abc.pid" OR "abc.bin"
| eval host=lower(host)
| stats count BY host
| append [ | inputlookup lookup.csv | eval host=lower(host), count=0 | fields host count ]
| join type=outer [search ]
| stats sum(count) AS total BY host
| where total=0
This is a more performant search.
Hi @krbalaji77,
sorry! it was a typo:
index=os sourcetype=ps "abc.pid" OR "abc.bin"
| eval host=lower(host)
| stats count BY host
| append [ | inputlookup lookup.csv | eval host=lower(host), count=0 | fields host count ]
| stats sum(count) AS total BY host
| where total=0