index="Server" (CategoryString="Account Management" OR TaskCategory="Security Group Management" ) (Message="Security Enabled*" OR Message="A member was added to a*") ( EventCode=632 OR EventCode=636 OR EventCode=4728 OR EventCode=4732) | top member, group, caller, name, host, Security_ID | fields member, group, caller, name, host, Security_ID| eval caller = if(isnull(Account_Name), Caller_User_Name, mvindex(Account_Name,0)) | eval member = if(isnull(Account_Name), Member_Name, mvindex(Account_Name,1)) | eval group = if(isnull(Target_Account_Name), Group_Name, Target_Account_Name) | search group="*Domain Admins" OR “*Administrators” OR “*ACCOUNT OPERATORS” OR “*Enterprise Admins” OR “*Schema Admins”| rename _time AS Time member AS Username group AS Group caller AS "Action by" name AS "Description" host AS "DC" Security_ID AS "Initiator Details" | convert timeformat="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %p" ctime(Time)
I am having a hard time figuring out why no information is being displayed through the top and fields command.
at the top command
is a command that transforms the search results, so if it gets raw input, it will not pass on that raw input to the commands coming after it in the search pipeline. So, once you've run top field1
for instance, the information available to the rest of the commands will only be the results produced by top (values for field1
, count
and percent
). So, when you run rename _time AS Time
for instance, that doesn't make sense because at that stage in the search pipeline the _time
field doesn't exist anymore.
Perhaps you could explain a bit more what you want to accomplish with your search?
What chart? What kind of output are you expecting? I don't see any charting commands in your search (besides top that I guess could count as a charting command)
I did lol but i still dont see the fields displaying in my chart below the search
Well perhaps remove it? 😛
because i was going to add it in eventually, but i cant even get the feilds to display
Then why are you using it?
I just want to display all of the feilds, i do not even need the top function yet.
| fields member, group, caller, name, host, Security_ID|
Try putting a space after Security_ID and the |
Does that do anything?
Have you tried doing the search bit by bit? Where does it fail for you?